Interdependence Conflicts
Interdependence conflicts arise when one worker depends on another’s output or cooperation to complete a task. Employees can resolve these conflicts through delegation when the responsible party is busy. Workers must also know how to conduct difficult conversations. Additionally, the company should set clear penalties for tardy work.

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2. Differences in Style
Differences in style also cause workplace disputes. Task-oriented and people-oriented workers may clash over different ways of working. Learning how to navigate varying styles can head off potential workplace conflicts.

3. Differences in Background
Gender, political beliefs, age, ethnic background, and other differences can cause workplace disputes. Following tips on gender bias can help you understand how the other sex thinks and reacts.

4. Leadership differences
Leadership differences may arise between directive and inclusive managers. It’s important for leaders to have consistent rules on how to run a business.

5. Personality Conflicts
Personality conflicts are the most common type of workplace conflict. These clashes start with emotions and assumptions about someone’s character. Often, people tell themselves stories that paint themselves as angels and disliked coworkers as devils. For example, if an employee lets a person down multiple times, the disappointed coworker may decide that the other person is undependable. However, workers may make excuses to justify their own late work. Taking time to learn how to smooth over personality conflicts can restore harmony in the workplace.

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